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101 Keys to a Happy Life, Issue #050 -- Pay Attention To Intuition
January 06, 2015

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KEY #50

Plan a reunion -

Invite extended family to a picnic or dinner
and enjoy getting to know them better.


"Faith without works is like a bird without wings;
though she may hop with her companions on earth,
yet she will never fly with them to heaven."

Francis Beaumont

This book is a motivational tool filled with inspirational quotes to help you survive and succeed during difficult times. "Hope for Tomorrow" features quotations by wise men and women who are great sources of wisdom.

Also included are pages for your journal. Writing in your journal is a powerful form of self-expression. Recording your thoughts help you gain clarity, release, and relief.

Hopefully this journal will become a constant companion for you to record your thoughts.

Visit the site for more information

Are You Ready To Get Serious About Your Happiness? Pay Attention To Intuition For A Happy Life

Almost everyone has heard of "mother's intuition," but for those who haven't the expression basically means that a mother gets a strong feeling about something having to do with her children. Often mother's intuition can help indicate that their child is ill or upset about something. However, it is not just mother's that have intuition.

In fact, everyone has some sort of intuition. Not everyone pays attention to their intuition. Sadly, this can actually make your life more difficult. Rather than letting that happen you should embrace your intuition and pay attention to it. By doing this you may find an easier, less stressful way to make your way through life.

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Albert Einstein was a great philosopher who said, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow ..."

I encourage you to keep Einstein's words close to your heart so that you can live a happier and more fulfilled life.

Thank you for joining me.

To your continued success,

Herb Ammons
Learn, Live, Hope!
Secrets to Your Happy Life

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