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101 Keys to a Happy Life, Issue #037 -- Repeat Your Successes
July 02, 2014

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KEY #37

Walk on a beach -

Enjoy the beauty and tranquility
of a deserted beach at night.


"Faith is believing when it is beyond
the power of reason to believe."


This book is a motivational tool filled with inspirational quotes to help you survive and succeed during difficult times. "Hope for Tomorrow" features quotations by wise men and women who are great sources of wisdom.

Also included are pages for your journal. Writing in your journal is a powerful form of self-expression. Recording your thoughts help you gain clarity, release, and relief.

Hopefully this journal will become a constant companion for you to record your thoughts.

Visit the site for more information

Why Is It Important to Repeat Your Successes to Truly Succeed?

No doubt, you have been given advice to leave the past behind you. Maybe you have been told you need to release your past. To some extent, both of those things are It seems like the million dollar question that everyone wants to answer is what can you do to ensure that you are successful? However, before you can answer that you need to define where you are now, and what it means to you to be successful?

Take a look at your life. What kind of car to you drive? What kind of career do you have? What does your personal life look like? By answering these questions you will begin to get a better idea of what your path should ultimately be so that you can truly feel success.

Read more ...

Albert Einstein was a great philosopher who said, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow ..."

I encourage you to keep Einstein's words close to your heart so that you can live a happier and more fulfilled life.

Thank you for joining me.

To your continued success,

Herb Ammons
Learn, Live, Hope!
Secrets to Your Happy Life

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